1. ever onyx white gold disc studs
    ever onyx white gold disc studs
  2. ever black MOP white gold disc studs
    ever black MOP white gold disc studs
  3. ever malachite white gold disc studs
    ever malachite white gold disc studs
  4. ever lapis white gold disc studs
    ever lapis white gold disc studs
  5. large palms hoops
    large palms hoops
    Regular Price $3,800 Special Price $1,520
  6. ever blue sandstone disc studs
    ever blue sandstone disc studs
  7. ever onyx disc studs
    ever onyx disc studs
  8. solo ever blue sandstone disc stud
    solo ever blue sandstone disc stud
  9. solo ever onyx disc stud
    solo ever onyx disc stud
  10. solo midnight blue sandstone hoop
    solo midnight blue sandstone hoop
  11. solo diamond midnight hoop
    solo diamond midnight hoop
  12. solo midnight blue sandstone stud
    solo midnight blue sandstone stud
  13. solo diamond midnight stud
    solo diamond midnight stud
  14. diamond georgia hoops
    diamond georgia hoops
  15. solo diamond georgia hoop
    solo diamond georgia hoop
  16. diamond georgia studs
    diamond georgia studs
  17. solo diamond georgia stud
    solo diamond georgia stud
  18. long georgia pendant earrings
    long georgia pendant earrings
  19. solo georgia hoop
    solo georgia hoop
  20. georgia studs
    georgia studs
  21. solo georgia stud
    solo georgia stud
  22. 18 karat rose gold solo stud<br>by Ginette NY
    solo palms stud
  23. wise studs
    wise studs
  24. wolf earrings
    wolf earrings
  25. 18 karat rose gold studs<br>by Ginette NY
    palms studs
  26. be mine diamond hoops
    be mine diamond hoops
  27. be mine white diamond hoops
    be mine white diamond hoops
  28. 18 karat rose gold solo hoop and diamonds<br>by Ginette NY
    be mine solo diamond hoop
  29. be mine solo white diamond hoop
    be mine solo white diamond hoop
  30. 18 karat rose gold hoops and diamonds<br>by Ginette NY
    diamond palms hoops
  31. 18 karat rose gold hoops and diamonds<br>by Ginette NY
    diamond bliss hoops
  32. 18 karat rose gold hoops and diamonds<br>by Ginette NY
    mini diamond donut hoops
  33. diamond bliss studs
    diamond bliss studs
  34. solo angele diamond heart stud
    solo angele diamond heart stud
  35. solo diamond wise stud
    solo diamond wise stud
  36. 18 karat rose gold solo stud<br>by Ginette NY
    solo wise stud