Stones Virtues

White Agate
White Agate

Agate is considered as the gem of the Earth, which connects us to its strength and beauty. It takes its name from the Akhatês River, now the Dirillo, in southern Sicily, where it was abundant. 
The white agate motifs used by GNY are made from many small pieces of natural agate, compressed into one single piece, to achieve smooth and regular shapes. Stone of luck and harmony, White Agate regulates emotions, calms anger, soothes anxieties, inner and physical tensions. It promotes self-confidence and brings courage and well-being. It’s also a protective stone with numerous therapeutic virtues, particularly known to effectively healing pain, skin problems, insect bites or respiratory disorders.
Origin: Brazil

Red Agate
Red Agate

The Agate is considered as the gem of the Earth, which connects us to its strength and beauty. It takes its name from the Akhatês River, now the Dirillo, in southern Sicily, where it was abundant. Stone of anchoring and appeasement, the Red Agate is known to fight against anxiety, keep away frightening and negative thoughts. It conveys emotional well-being, helps to find balance and inner peace.

Origin: USA


The stone’s name comes from the Amazon River. According to legend, it reflects the green hues of the Amazon jungle.

It’s a stone of happiness and communication: Amazonite keeps negative thoughts away and relieves emotional tension. It promotes verbal and emotional communication. It is often considered the stone of lovers, because it facilitates inter-comprehension, strengthens couples makes it happier. It’s also the stone of artists, because it encourages personal expression and allow to unleash imagination and creativity.

Origin: Brazil, India.

Blue Sandstone
Blue Sandstone

The Blue Sandstone is manmade. It is the association of aventurine, copper, and quartz sand. Being made of natural stones it keeps its lithotherapy benefits. Because of its midnight blue and very sparkly color, it is sometimes called the starry stone or the night stone. Some believe it was first created in an Italian monastery. Some say it was made by alchemists.

This stone is known for its soothing virtues: it reduces anxiety, stress, and other emotional disorders.

Blue Sandstone also develops intuition and creativity: it stimulates inspiration and enhances self-expression, making it a favorite stone for writers.

Red Coral
Red Coral

The name came from the Greek « korallion ».  Known since prehistory. Supposed to divert from the « Evil eye ». The coral motifs used by GNY is reconstituted coral, made from many small pieces of natural coral , compressed into  one single piece, color dyed to achieve a uniform color, then recut into the requested measurement. 

First of all, it’s a comforting stone, with a recognized action against sadness and anguish. It protects and brings determination and energy, instills the necessary strength to fight against aggressiveness and overcome all types of conflicts, both internal and external.

Origin: China

Pink corundum
Pink corundum

The name is derived from "kurund", the Hindi name for this mineral, which itself originates from the Tamil term kuruntam, which means red stone. The stones are heated to darken the initial pink color. Its hardness is almost as strong as that of diamond.

A stone of energy, it acts on passions and feelings. It restores joie de vivre and reinforces enthusiasm.

Origin : China – Hardness: 9 (Mohs hardness scale)


Discovered during the Antiquity, the Chrysocolla contains different chemical elements such as oxygen, copper, silica, aluminum. Depending on the quantity of these elements, the color of the stone can vary from green to blue.

Chrysocolla radiates a soft and soothing energy that makes it a stone of harmony, strengthening tolerance & bringing inner peace and balance. It encourages forgiveness, compassion, and strengthens emotional bonds. It would push away negative energies to make room for feelings of serenity and peace. Chrysocolla would give the determination to express one's desires and motivations. It would allow to feel more in agreement with oneself, to have more self confidence.

Origin: South Africa


From the Greek adamas  meaning « the inflexible ».  It is the hardest material on earth. It has been extracted for 3 000 years in India and comes from either alluvial deposit (secondary) or sedimentary deposit (primary). Black diamond are very rare in nature. The black color is obtained by processing the stone.

A stone reputed to act as a formidable sensor and transmitter of energy. Diamond confers power and protection to its owner. It is also a stone of harmony allowing deep introspection, understanding of one's body and mind to really develop one's capacities and qualities.

Origin : Botswana / Canada

Jade is a legendary ornamental rock. It is composed of silicate minerals. Symbol of purity and serenity, it is the Chinese favorite stone.

Stone of serenity, Jade is known to keep worries away and help you relax, making it an excellent ally for sleep. It brings clear-sightedness and honesty, and allows you to face reality. It also encourages optimization, compassion, temperance and tolerance. It promotes exchange and helps in negotiation.

Origin : China

Red Jasper
Red Jasper

Red Jasper is an impure variety of silica. Its name comes from the Greek iaspis et Latin iaspidem meaning “spotted stone”.

In Ancient times, it was used as an amulet for soothing the eyes. Symbol of balanced strength, Red Jasper comes in brick-red tones.

A source of natural strength and stability, the energy provided by Red Jasper allows you to overcome difficulties and face your problems with serenity. It stimulates will, drive and courage, and promotes self-acceptance and self-fulfillment.

Origin : China

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli

Its name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning “stone”, and lazuli, meaning ”azure”. Lapis lazuli has been used for over 6 000 years. It symbolizes truth and friendship.

Known to promote harmony in relationships, Lapis Lazuli allows the clear communication of emotions and facilitates the expression of feelings. Stone of serenity and harmony, it possesses relaxing and soothing virtues and is a good remedy against nervousness.

Origin: Afghanistan, Russia and the United States


Malachite is a green-colored copper carbonate. Malachite powder was used in mineral make-up such as eye-shadow. It was also used as a coating. According to ancient beliefs, it protects from danger and against evil spirits..

Malachite has a solid reputation as a protective and therapeutic stone: it is believed to have many medicinal, pain and anti-inflammatory properties, from fighting infections to relieving various types of pain. On a sentimental level, it is considered a soothing stone, which acts against anxiety and nervousness and helps to improve mood and overall emotional state. It is also said to help overcome sorrow and heartache.

Origin: Namibia / Zimbabwe

Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl

It is part of the family of organic pearls. It symbolizes feminity and protection. Mother of pearl is the smooth lining of iridescent luster shells. It has been used as an ornamental stone for more than 3 000 years before Christ.

Soothes and regulates the emotions, calms the outbursts, tensions and anxieties. A source of optimism and positivism, it encourages measurement and reflection, and allows you to rise above your everyday worries. These virtues facilitate communication, the verbalization of one's feelings, receptivity and help to overcome relational difficulties, especially in love.

Origin: Vietnam / Indonesia

Golden Obsidian
Golden Obsidian

Obsidian takes its name from Obsius, an ancient Roman explorer to whom the stone is said to have been given as a gift. Golden obsidian stone comes from volcanic lava. It’s a golden-black color with khaki highlights. Its fine golden particles make it spectacular and bewitching.

As a protective gem, it is said to ward off harmful energies, promote introspection & wisdom, and awaken spirituality.

Origin: Australia

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye

Tiger's eye is a member of the quartz group. It is a semi-transparent and chatoyant gemstone with a golden to red-brown colour.  Tiger's eye has been used only recently as an ornament stone in western countries but is well-known in Africa and Asia.

Protective stone par excellence, the Tiger's Eye acts as a bulwark against all external aggressions and guarantees the integrity of body and mind. Source of resilience and vitality, it strengthens the defenses and fights against fatigue. It also promotes assertiveness and self-acceptance by fighting against complexes and deep anxieties.

Origin: Brazil

Black Onyx
Black Onyx

The name for this stone in the Chalcedony family means "fingernail” and refers to an ancient legend. Used by the Ancient Greeks in jewelry (cameos), Onyx is often associated with instinct and intuition. It symbolizes a strong business sense and management skills.

Stone of calm and control, onyx regulates the passions to allow a better self-control, amplify the sense of responsibility and bring measure and moderation, allows to make more enlightened decisions. It promotes optimism and confidence in the future, and represents a real barrier to anxiety and sadness.

Origin: Brazil, Uruguay.

Freshwater Pearl
Freshwater Pearl

The creation of a pearl is caused by the protective reaction of a mussel to the introduction of a foreign body such as grains of sand or parasites into its organism. Cultured freshwater pearls produced in Chinese lakes and rivers are now showcased in jewelry stores.  These pearls are available in lavender, white, peach and black.

The pearl is a symbol of integrity, loyalty, and honesty. It is also known to promote intuition and awaken sensitivity. Synonymous with well-being and calmness, it opens the door to introspection and work on oneself.

Origin: China

Jaspe Paysage
Jaspe Paysage

Connue depuis toujours pour ses vertus magiques, elle semble détenir des secrets anciens. Les jaspes ont toujours été vénérés par les civilisations antiques et utilisés de manière ornementale pour la décoration et la fabrication de parures et d’objets rituels. Ses coloris infinis peuvent varier des tons d’or à des tons de noir, de brun, beige et ivoire… Son aspect semblable à celui d'un paysage ancien a donné son nom à la pierre.

C'est une pierre qui inciterait à la résistance et à la persistance, elle encouragerait à toujours continuer à aller de l'avant sans jamais abandonner.  Elle encouragerait la spiritualité et est bénéfique à la méditation. Sa puissante énergie terrestre d’une chaleur réconfortante apporterait harmonie et repos spirituel. Elle pourrait également aider à tempérer les personnes trop émotives ou apaiser un trop-plein d’émotion.

Provenance : Madagascar, Afrique du Sud, Etats-Unis


The name comes from its resemblance to the Moon. The stone has an adularescent effect: a bluish white reflection that seems to appear on its surface depending on the angle of light. This mysterious stone is often associated with feminine energy: it enhances intuition and feelings and encourages gentleness and receptiveness.

It promotes listening, openness to others and tolerance. In particular, it would bring peace and harmony to newlyweds by encouraging mutual respect and reconciliation in case of conflict. It is also a stone of righteousness and virtue, recalling the candor and purity of childhood.

Origin: India, Sri Lanka

Pyrite (or Fool's Gold) is found in many common minerals. It was named after its yellow-brass color, its metallic luster and square-shaped crystals. Its name is derived from the Greek pyros that means “fire”.

Spiritual stone, it stimulates the intellectual and organizational capacities of everyone. It would also serve as an excellent memory aid. It encourages the concrete realization of its projects by bringing dynamism and rigor to all its companies.

Origin: China

Lemon quartz
Lemon quartz

As the name suggests, it has a lemon yellow color almost greenish.

Lemon Quartz is considered the stone of prosperity. Its energy and properties are associated with progress and success. It helps concentration & strengthens the immune system, bringing vitality and comfort.

Origin : Niger – Hardness: 7 (Mohs hardness scale)

Smoky quartz
Smoky quartz

From ancient Greek “Krustallos” meaning ice, referring to the fact that quartz is the ice formed by the Gods. It is a variety of macrocrystallin quartz, which owes its color (all shades of brown) to the natural or induced irradiation of the aluminum salts it contains.

Smoky quartz is considered the stone of responsibility and refocusing. It could calm strong emotions, bring clarity, focus, and inner peace. It could also strengthen self-confidence & promote anchoring.

Origin: Niger – Hardness: 7 (Mohs hardness scale)

Pink quartz
Pink quartz

Pink quartz is a variety of quartz, whose color can range from translucent pale pink to deep and vivid rose, often slightly milky, due to the presence of metallic oxides: manganese and titanium.

This stone is associated with love. Directly connected to the heart chakra, it is believed to nurture self-love and emotional stability. Recognized for its calming properties, it is also said to aid in physical and mental healing. Origin: Tanzania, Madagascar

Hardness: 7 (Mohs scale)


This pink marbled stone is part of the calcite group. According to the Inca legends, it would have appeared on the sacred sides of the  Titicaca lake. This stone is also called “rosa del inca” in reference to its legendary origin. Symbol of love and compassion.

It acts on passions and feelings. It is a liberating stone because it soothes the sorrows, allows to accept and to regulate its emotions. It is also a stone of emotional communication, which stimulates compassion, empathy and sensitivity and brings a better understanding of the feelings of others.

Origin: Argentina, United States, Peru, , South Africa, Gabon


This stone is part of the Garnet family. Rhodolite has always been seen as a symbol of light, but also of loyalty and truth. It is currently considered by experts to be the most precious Garnet variety available on the market.

Rhodonite is the stone par excellence for the heart and emotions. It allows a better control and soothes nervousness and anxieties. It helps to apprehend changes and conflicts with more serenity and height, gives courage and endurance to overcome them and manage the stress associated with them. It also promotes loving and affectionate relationships, brings tenderness and gentleness and contributes to a climate of trust and harmony within a couple.

Origin: Africa, India.

Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire

Sapphire is the most precious of blue gemstones, and is a most desirable gem due to its color, hardness, durability and luster. The name was originally derived from Greek sappheiros, the Sanskrit Kuruvinda sanipruja meaning hard stone and the Hebrew word sappir meaning gem.

Blue sapphire inspires artists and is renowned for unleashing creativity. It is also strongly linked to the spiritual: it helps concentration and promotes discernment, intuition and helps meditate. The stone is also linked to the idea of attachment, connection, and mutual understanding, which explains its frequent presence on engagement rings.

Origin: India

Pink Sapphire
Pink Sapphire

Sapphire is the most precious of blue gemstones, and is a most desirable gem due to its color, hardness, durability and luster. The name was originally derived from Greek sappheiros, the Sanskrit Kuruvinda sanipruja meaning hard stone and the Hebrew word sappir meaning gem.

Pink sapphire is a stone of kindness and wisdom, encouraging feelings of love, compassion and acceptance. It soothes and heals buried emotional wounds and encourage openness to others and trust.

Origin: Australie, Cambodge, Cachemire, Inde, Myanmar (Birmanie), Sri Lanka, Thaïlande, États-Unis

Pink topaz
Pink topaz

Topaz is a stone known since ancient times, its name comes from the Greek “Topazos”. It has been used for millennia as an amulet, a stone of power. The pink color is obtained by heat treatment (diffusion of ions on the surface of the stone).

It symbolizes hope, calms the mind and inspires compassion. It stimulates both the intellectual and the spiritual, and paves the way to good health.

Origin : Tanzania – Hardness: 8 (Mohs hardness scale)


Turquoise is a mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium. Its name is derived from the French " pierre turque“ as it was first brought to Europe from Turkey. It has given its name the blue-to-green turquoise color tone. The stone is also considered sacred to the indigenous peoples of the Southwestern United States who used it for its healing properties.
The turquoise motifs used by GNY are made from many small pieces of natural turquoise, compressed into one single piece, to achieve durable and glossy shapes. Stone of appeasement of negative passions, Turquoise makes it possible to free oneself from anger in favor of empathy and listening. It makes it possible to detach oneself from one's own torments to turn towards others, to communicate more and with more accuracy. It is thus recognized for its relational benefits, it promotes friendship and love.
Origin: China